If one only sticks to the FAIB AI models (most of the Boeings and some Airbuses), FSPXAI Payware (more Boeings and Airbuses) and Raven AI (regional jets), the process is manageable as long as one doesn't have tons of airlines to do. Although this all sounds terrible, this process is what everybody used before AIM/OCI was released. This process is extremely time consuming and frustrating. Then you have to download each model that you need and use AI Flight Planner to automatically find the paints needed for a specific airline. You have to find every AI aircraft model that's used in the flightplan. But here's where the problem arises with FSX. However, you can use AIM to manually download flightplans.
I downloaded their package and I don't see any instructions for inserting in FSX Steam? The auto installer is only for P3D.